You're in Good Company

Hundreds of teachers and administrators tell us they save time and get organized more effectively since they started using School Seating Charts. We're here to help you:

  • Spend more time teaching and less time babysitting
  • Keep your classroom organized
  • Maintain focus on the students who need it most

Common Questions

What are the limitations of the free trial?
You can create one classroom layout, one roster, and one seating chart. You can print the chart you create during the free trial one time.
Do I need to provide a credit card to start my free trial?
How long is a license good for?
A license gives you unlimited access to School Seating Charts for as long as you'd like to use it. Many teachers have been using School Seating Charts since it started over 8 years ago.
How much does a license cost?
$19.95 for an unlimited, individual license. School-wide and district-wide pricing available.
Wait, I have another question!
We're always here to help. Contact us at with any questions.


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